
The plants are the backbone of many traditional health care practices, and they are always said as best friends of human beings. In Ayurveda, The Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana has been quoted as the fundamental therapeutic preparations mostly as herbal preparations. Among them, Swarasa (Fresh juice) & Kalka (paste) are made gener- ally by fresh plant parts like leaves and tuberous roots. While dried Panchanga (whole plant) are mostly used in the preparation of Kwatha (decoction), Hima (cold infusion) and Phanta (hot infusion). The term Panchanga in- dicates Tvaka (bark), Pushpa (flower), Patra (leaves), Phala (fruit), and Mula (root). Apart from this, Saara (pith), Ksheera (latex), Niryasa (exudate/ oleoresin/gum) and Kanda (bulb) has been also cited in the Ayurveda text. With the help of modern plant science, information can be obtained for an upgraded, précised and easily un- derstanding of the individual plant part. Thus, this article provides ample information on the terminologies of plant parts in the classical text and their description in line with botanical science. Keywords: Panchanga, Ayurveda, Plant, Parts, Kashaya

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