
Endometriosis is one of the most mysterious and fascinating benign gynecological disorders defined by implantation of functioning endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. The prevalence is about 10 percent. However, prevalence is high amongst the infertile women (30–40%) as based on diagnostic laparoscopy and laparotomy. It is estrogen dependent condition hence increases due to high estrogen level in the body and regression occurs during pregnancy & after menopause. Women with endometriosis are usually confronted with one or both of the two major problems- pain and infertility. Pain includes dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and chronic pelvic pain. In Ayurvedic it can be correlate with Vataja Yonivyapada on the basis of two symptoms dysmenorrhea and chronic pelvic pain. It can be correlate with different Yonivyapada on the basis of other symptoms. Ayurvedic management can be done on the basis of Tridoshic theory in which Vata is responsible for displacement of endometrial cells from their original location in the uterus to places outside the uterine cavity. Pitta responsible for involvement of blood, hormones, and menstruation as well as the inflammatory nature of the disease. Kapha responsible for increasing buildup of cells and overgrowing much like a tumor. So treatment approach can be Ampachana & correction of Agni, Vaatanulomana, Mridu Virechana, Vatashamaka, Raktasravarodhaka, Granthihar and Lekhan Chikitsa, etc. Life style and diet modifications are also to be advocated as their role in the establishment of any disease cannot be ignored.

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