
Ayurveda is a science of life, which protect health and promote life (Ayu) of human being. Geriatric disorder is growing problem in today’s era; by 2050 one fifth of the world will be older than 65 years. As per Acharya Sushruta Jara is naturally occurring disease like Kshut(Hunger), Pipasa(Thirst), Nidra(Sleep), and Mrityu (Death) under phenomenon of Svabhavbala roga.Acharya Vaghbhata explained Vata dosha is predominant in old age so there will be more chances of catabolic activities in the body cells. Sarvadhatuvyuhakarta is the function of Vata dosha which will be predominant in old age causes Dhatukshaya. Predominant Vata dosha and Dhatukshaya leads to many degenerative diseases and it also affect the organ like Netra.Indriyaabhivahan,Sarvendriyayojan and Indriyatarpana (along with other dosha) are the normal functions of prakrita Vata, also Preenan,Jeevan ,Lepana and Sneha are the normal functions of Dhatu. Acharya Sushruta explained four types of Patals (layer of eyeball), these Patalas are Dhatuashrit.During ageing the changes occur in patalas manifested by Timir, ARMD and Linganaash like diseases.Dhatukshaya and its effect on netra occurs continuously. To break down this vicious chain Ayurveda has it’own Rasayana (Rejuvenation) therapy which deals with old age. Rasayana helpful in balancing Vata and improving Dhatukshaya. With the help of Rasayana therapy we can delay pathogenesis of Dhatukshaya and ageing, ultimately it prevents diseases for some period.

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