
In India, behavioral problems are prevalent and estimated to the tune of 33.4%. Such a problem if untreated increases the risk of suffering children from various psychiatric illnesses. Around 6 million children are affected by Behavioral problems worldwide. There are few guidelines in Ayurveda which can prove beneficial in the prevention and management of behavioral problems. The present review is aimed at providing Ayurvedic guidelines in the form of Sadvritta (Code of conduct), Acharrasayan-AR (ethical principles) and few Ayurveda interventions correlating with recently developed interventions of Psychology which may prove helpful in prevention and management of behavioral problems in children. This review is based on data collected from classical Ayurvedic literature, published research works in various journals and counseling experiences. Observations and Results: Behavioral problems are generally multi-factorial in origin and arise as a result of conflict between the children's personality, attitudes of parents, teacher or peers. Counseling with family and adoption of Ayurveda principles can manage and prevent further progress of behavioral problems in children. Satvavjay Chikitsa-SC (non-drug psychotherapy), Achar-Rasayana and Sadvritta, Yog are Ayurvedic ways to balance Satva (good qualities of mind), (Passionate, agitated), Tama (Laziness, lack of concentration) applicable in the prevention of behavioral problems. Knowledge education and proper expressions of code, conduct or etiquettes along with Ayurveda interventions such as the use of Medhya (nervine tonic/nootropic) drugs, Panchkarma pre procedures can prove to be a significant therapeutic way to combat behavioral disorders. Ayurvedic principles such as AR, Sadvritta and SC are best non-pharmacological modalities required for early detection and prevention of behavioral problems.

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