
Numerous portions of the Charaka Samhita deal with urological problems. Since the Vedic time, the Mutrarogas have existed. Mutraghata is a Vatadosha illness that affects the majority of people. Mutra Vaha Srotas (MVS) diseases affect a large number of people. Any physician should be familiar with Nidana, Samprapti, Lakshanas, Sadhya-Asadhyata, Upadrava, and Chikitsa. It has been determined by Acharya Dalhana that the Mutraghata clinical body is MVS through the relative anuria or oliguria urinary retention. The obstruction of urine (Mutraghata) is a sickness, and the cardinal feature of urine is the obstruction of the urine. In other words, urine retention (UR) might be caused by urinary tract inflammation or obstruction. Also, such effect employed as the Mutra vaha Srota's Nidana of Mutraghata. The doshas deteriorate as a result of this reason. It's mostly due to the vata Dosha. The vitiated dosha combines with pee, obstructing urine flow. In Ayureveda phrases, Mutraghata is complex and misunderstood concept. This article highlights the various aspects of Mutraghata related to Ayurveda.

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