
Srotas means pores or channels are present in the whole body. Raktavaha Strotas are channels carrying Rakta Dhatu. Rakta Dhatu is the second Dhatu, and its main function is Jeevanam. The Mulasthan or root of Raktavaha Strotas are Yakrut and Pleeha.The Rakta dhatu (blood), which is also referred to as the fourth Dosha by Ayurveda, is one of the essential functional elements of the body of which formation, transformation, and conduction are carried out by Raktavaha Srotas. Nowadays, changing food habits and a sedentary lifestyle are the rapid and significant causes of Raktavaha Srotas Dushti. also, fast food is becoming a slow poison for everyone and is free from nutritional value. Intake of the Vidahi Anna and Pana, Snigdha Aahar, and Ushna Drava, along with exposure to sunlight and air, leads to Raktavaha Srotas Susti piercing injury to Mulasthana of Raktavahi Srotas, causes skin diseases. The diseases of Raktavaha Srotasa mentioned in the Samhita are Kustha, Visarpa, Pidika, and Raktapitta.

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