
Background: Gridhrasi is Shoolapradhan Nanatmaj Vata Vyadhi mainly caused due to vitiation of Vata Dosha. The cardinal signs and symptoms of Gridhrasi are Ruk, Toda, Muhuspandan, Stambha. Gridhrasi can be correlated with sciatica due to resemblance of symptoms. The prevalence of sciatica varies considerably ranging from 1.6% in the general population to 43% in selected working population. Sciatica is characterised by constant aching pain in the lumbar region radiating to the buttock, calf and foot caused by irritation to the sciatic nerve. Being a nervine disorder, it can be treated by a drug having Vatashamak & Shoolaghna properties. Agnitundi Vati is a unique formulation having Shoolaghna & Vatahara properties. Kuchala is the major content of Agnitundi Vati which is more effective in nervine disorder. Kuchala being a potent spinal poison contains two major alkaloids named strychnine and brucine and it is subjected to be used after proper Shodhan process of Kuchala. Present study aimed to compile all the available literature regarding the pharmacological action of Agnitundi Vati. Aim & Objectives: To study the literary review of Agnitundi Vati & it’s mode of action in Gridhrasi. Materials & Methods: Various Samhita Granthas, textbooks and articles related to Agnitundi Vati & sciatica were studied. Result & Discussion: Agnitundi Vati is the formulation having Vatashamak & Shoolahar properties due to its Ushna Virya. Hence it proved to be a potent formulation for management of pain in Gridhrasi.

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