
This article aims to examine neuromarketing and neuromarketing techniques, to reveal the effect of neuromarketing on consumer behavior and advertising. Due to today’s increasing competition conditions, manufacturers want to read the minds of consumers to promote their products and achieve brand success. For this reason, it is very important to determine consumer behavior and the factors that trigger the purchase. Consumers’ perception of the advertisement and how they remember it is of great importance for marketing and brand success. What consumers say and think about the advertisement may not be consistent in some cases. So how can we identify the factors that cause the brain to buy a particular product? At this point, the importance of neuromarketing in discovering the subconscious thoughts of consumers emerges. Neuromarketing is of great importance in making advertising more effective. It can be determined by neurological methods how consumers are affected by which advertisements and which advertisements do not cause a reaction in them. In this context, it is considered necessary to examine neurological methods, the subconscious of consumers, and their relationship.

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