
Organisations that perform Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) need robust capacities, but it remains unclear how these organisations should look like in practice. We sought to define 'HPSRIs' (pronounced as 'hip-srees', i.e., 'Health Policy and Systems Research Institutions') as organisational models and developed a conceptual framework for assessing their capacities based on a set of attributes. We implemented a multi-method study in the Philippines that comprised: a qualitative analysis of perspectives from 33 stakeholders in the HPSR ecosystem on the functions, strengths, and challenges of HPSRIs; a workshop with 17 multi-sectoral representatives who collectively developed a conceptual framework for assessing organisational capacities for HPSRIs based on organisational attributes; and a survey instrument development process that determined indicators for assessing these attributes. We defined HPSRIs to be formally constituted organisations (or institutions) with the minimum essential function of research. Beyond the research function, our framework outlined eight organisational attributes of well-performing HPSRIs that were grouped into four domains, namely: research expertise: (1) excellent research, (2) capacity building driven; leadership and management: (3) efficient administration, (4) financially sustainable; policy translation: (5) policy orientation, (6) effective communication; and networking: (7) participatory approach, (8) convening influence. We developed a self-assessment instrument around these attributes that HPSRIs could use to inform their respective organisational development and collectively discuss their shared challenges. In addition to developing the framework, the workshop also analysed the positionality of HPSRIs and their interactions with other institutional actors in the HPSR ecosystem and recommend the importance of enhancing these interactions and assigning responsibility to a national/regional authority that will foster the community of HPSRIs. When tailored to their context, HPSRIs that function at the nexus of research, management, policy, and networks help achieve the main purpose of HPSR, which is to 'achieve collective health goals and contribute to policy outcomes.'

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