
The present article entitled, The community in the Hegelian Consummate Religion from the concepts of Ubuntu and Love, aims to understand how a human being (munthu) participates in the community under the aegis of the Spirit. This Spirit for Hegel is the community; it´s the consciousness of God that exists and is realized in the relationship between God-Father and God-Son. The core for apprehending the customs and institutions of the Bantu human being is the unity of life with the community whose mediator is the Spirit (muzimu); this is associated with a single principle in the munthu, -the participation. Ontologically, the Bantu is in a vital and intersubjective union with the ancestors, the living and those who are yet to be born in the community, which leads to a religious practice. The Bantus have the notion of absolute Spirit in the foreground; the source and fullness of life. Therefore, life is the greatest gift. The ancestors received it from an absolute Being, to communicate and defend it in the community. The Spirit, being dynamic, permeates the entire universe, on the basis of love and reconciliation that takes place in an intersubjective relationship, in a real way.

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