
To investigate the characteristics of the prechiasmatic sulcus in children aged between 1-20 years. Patient files of 200 children admitted to the university hospital on 2019 were analyzed, retrospectively. The computed tomography images of patients were used to obtain anatomical knowledge containing prechiasmatic sulcus types and dimensions. The measurements related to the sulcal length (6.94 ± 1.25 mm) and sulcal angle (31.01 ± 18.13°) showed that the sulcal length did not alter in children between 1 and 20 years, whereas the sulcal angle did not vary from infancy to prepubescent period, but it was decreasing in postpubescent period. In 29 patients, the sulcal length was observed to divide into 2 parts with an evident angle. The interoptic distance and planum length were found as follows: 14.70 ± 2.85 mm and 14.84 ± 4.12 mm, respectively. The order of PS types was observed as type 4 (26.5%, 53 cases) > type 2 (26%, 52 cases) > type 1 (24%, 48 cases) > type 3 (23.5%, 47 cases). The sulcal length did not vary in children, whereas the sulcal angle decreased with an irregular pattern. The sulcal angle decreased after prepubescent period, possibly due to the sphenoid sinus pneumatization and spheno-occipital synchondrosis. The sulcal length angle mostly in infants and young children may cause surgical orientation difficult during the resection of tumors using transcranial approaches.

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