
The equilibrium geometries of the lowest electronic states of the HCCO and HCCS radicals have been determined by ab initio SCF and Møller-Plesset perturbation theory calculations using split-valence plus polarization basis sets. When optimized at a correlated level the ground state, 2A″, of HCCO is bent with a linear 2Π( 2A′) excited state forming the other half of a Renner-Teller pair. In contrast, ground state HCCS is predicted to be linear at all levels of calculation considered. The UMP3/6-31 G* predictions for the geometries of HCCO are: 2A″, r e(CH) = 1.074 Å, r e(CC) = 1.301 Å, r e(CO) = 1.170 Å, α e(CCH) = 133.23°, α e(CCO) = 169.96°; and 2Π( 2A′), r e(CH) = 1.064 Å, r e(CC) = 1.264 Å and r e(CO) = 1.181 Å. The UMP3/6-3 IG* geometry optimization for HCCS predicted: 2Π, r e(CH) = 1.066 Å, r e(CC) = 1.212 Å, and r e(CS) = 1.634 Å.

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