
A computer software on solid/solid reaction kinetics, KinPreSSR, is one of subsystems in the software, Intellectualized Database Management System on Kinetics of Metallurgy (IDMSKM). KinPreSSR is a Windows application developed using Visual C++ and FoxPro, and includes two main modules, “DIFFUSION” and “REACTION”. KinPreSSR deals with the kinetics on the diffusion in solid state as well as solid/solid reactions. In the ‘REACTION’ module, the system has organized the commonly recognized kinetic models, parameters and employed both numerical and graphical methods for data analyses. The proper combination between the kinetic contents and the analytical methods enables users to use KinPreSSR for the evaluation and prediction of solid/solid reactions interested. The ‘DIFFUSION’ module includes two sub-modules of “database management system (DBMS)” and "Evaluation & prediction". The “DBMS” deals with the diffusion coefficients gathered from reported documents and the data evaluated according to some rules, besides, it can provide users with retrieval of diffusion coefficients. Based on the solutions to the Fick’s first law and the Fick’s second law in the four typical critical conditions, the "Evaluation & prediction" sub-module gives the predication of concentration distribution after diffusion process in solids or computation for diffusion coefficient.

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