
The present work, an important application of Compton scattering, is aimed at presenting the use of a NaI(Tl) scintillation detector for the estimation of concentration (density), fluid-fluid interface level and presence of a foreign body (Al) in fluids. The measurements are made using a well collimated gamma photon beam, having energy of 662keV, from 137Cs radioactive source. The scattered gamma photon flux is detected by a NaI(Tl) scintillation detector (dimensions 51mm in diameter and 51mm in thickness) placed at a scattering angle of 110° relative to the primary gamma ray beam. This method is quite sensitive to detect changes in concentration (density) of the order of 0.0153g/cm3 in a given aqueous solution. Furthermore, the interface level and position of a foreign body in heterogeneous fluids are observed by monitoring changes in the recorded scattered intensity. The estimated fluid-fluid interface level and the level up to which the presence of a foreign body is detected is close to actual value.

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