
The smart card has been used in many applications for access controls, such as banking, identification, transportation, telecommunication, health care and electronic payments. Smart cards contain an embedded chip used as either a microprocessor or memory, which create some complications in implementing smart cards for network access. Centralization and distribution access control models are most appropriate for smart cards. Smart cards can be used for PC access control, provided that changes to smart card infrastructure are completed. This research comprehensively integrates all the functionalities of the smart card to get one base application which a web service which can provide access to may functionalities of the smart card based on it usage. We integrate access to services such as payment at petrol pump, online shopping and others under a single umbrella such that the card reacts to the changes in which it is required also the information visibility on the card will change when the card is being used for different purposes and will popup required information on the card screen when a commodity is purchased securing all information on the web services which is directly integrated with the smart cards. Securing information residing on the card is very important as this card is a digital card it will be blank when no purchases are to be done so any one losing the card can login to the web service and clear all information residing on the digital card without worrying about its access by the intruders.

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