
Review Questions/Objective The overall aim of this comprehensive systematic review is to synthesise the best available evidence on the experience of lateral/horizontal violence in the profession of nursing and the effectiveness of programs/strategies meant to decrease its prevalence or mitigate its negative effects. Specifically, this review will seek to answer the following questions: •What is the experience of being a licensed nurse who is a victim of lateral/horizontal violence? •What is the experience of being a student nurse who is a victim of lateral/horizontal violence? •What is the impact of experiencing lateral/horizontal violence on job retention and job satisfaction? •What are the most effective interventions/strategies for decreasing the prevalence or mitigating the negative effects of lateral/horizontal violence on licensed nurses? Inclusion Criteria Types of Participants This review will consider studies with a focus on licensed nurses and student nurses. For purposes of this review ‘licensed nurse’ refers to a nurse who holds a license to practice nursing at any level. Due to the ambiguity of nomenclature, different titles for licensed nurse will be considered, including but not limited to registered nurse, practical nurse, vocational nurse.) Types of Interventions/Phenomena of Interest The qualitative component of this review will consider as phenomena of interest the actual experience of horizontal/lateral violence by licensed nurses and student nurses. The quantitative component of this review will examine interventions/strategies meant to decrease the prevalence or mitigate the effects of lateral/horizontal violence on licensed or student nurses. Some examples of programs or strategies reported in the literature are intense education programs, cognitive rehearsal strategies, zero tolerance policies and workshops. Context This review will consider research on the experience of lateral/horizontal violence in the profession of nursing and the efficacy/effectiveness of programs/strategies that are designed to decrease its prevalence or mitigate its negative effects in any setting where licensed or student nurses practise. Types of Outcomes The qualitative component of this review will include experiential accounts of being a nurse or student nurse who has experienced lateral/horizontal violence. The quantitative component of this review will consider studies that report outcomes such as but not limited to: •types and intensity/severity of effects of lateral/horizontal violence on licensed or student nurses •number of lateral/horizontal violence episodes/ prevalence of lateral/horizontal violence. •job satisfaction •job retention.

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