
The escalating crisis of environmental degradation, with waste fires acting as a potent accelerant, has reached a critical juncture that demands immediate attention. This crisis disproportionately affects developing and low-income nations, where unregulated disposal and incineration in open areas have become rampant. These open waste fires serve as hotbeds for many environmental hazards ranging from air and water pollution to soil degradation. In addition, they contribute to the growing threat of marine litter and are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating global climate change. Beyond their environmental toll, waste fires present an immediate and long-term threat to human health, causing respiratory problems and skin conditions and potentially leading to more serious health outcomes, such as cancer. Their impacts are multidimensional, affecting not only the environment but also pose severe health risks to communities, especially those near waste-burning sites. In this technologically advanced era, the application of artificial intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and deep learning technologies has the potential to revolutionize waste fire management. These technologies can significantly improve the accuracy of identifying, monitoring, and ultimately mitigating waste fires, making them indispensable tools in the fight against this complex issue. This article offers a comprehensive and in-depth examination of the historical evolution of waste fires, with the aim of shedding light on the critical factors that contribute to their occurrence. We explore the scientific mechanisms by which waste fires lead to environmental pollution and public health crises, providing a holistic understanding of their far-reaching impacts. We present an overview of significant research initiatives, policy interventions, and technological solutions that have been proposed or implemented by authoritative bodies around the world. By synthesizing existing research and offering new insights, this paper aims to facilitate a deeper understanding of the intricacies of waste fires and spur innovative solutions for their sustainable management and eventual eradication. Therefore, this article focuses on environmental and human health problems while outlining the comprehensive approach and potential contributions to solving this critical issue.

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