
Patients with pancreatic cancer, chronic pancreatitis and other abdominal pain syndromes may develop debilitating pain throughout the course of their illness with little to no relief by most conventional methods. While some form of relief is experienced by patients, not all benefit from these procedures and side effects, while transitory in most cases are severe and often not expected. Our aim was therefore to investigate the anatomy surrounding the abdominal sympathetic ganglia, the target for the invasive procedures in an attempt to understand the variations in results. The abdominal cavities of nine individuals were dissected and the ganglia investigated, harvested and histologically and immunochemical stained. The phrenic ganglion was found inconsistently and more often in the left than the right. If present it was located in association with the inferior phrenic artery and often connected to the celiac ganglion. The celiac ganglion was located anterior to the diaphragmatic crus on both sides and specifically posteromedial to the suprarenal gland and superior to the renal artery on the left. On the right it was located posterior to the suprarenal gland and inferior vena cava also superior to the renal vessels. The superior mesenteric ganglion was only positively identified in one individual and was located on the left lateral aspect of the superior mesenteric artery. The blockade procedures for treatment of pain are developed to target the area around the celiac artery where the ganglion is commonly described to be located. However, based on our results of its location and interconnections the ganglion is not located in the targeted area.

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