
Probiotics in shrimp aquaculture have gained considerable attention as a potential solution to enhance production efficiency, disease management, and overall sustainability. Probiotics, beneficial microorganisms, have shown promising effects when administered to shrimp as dietary supplements or water additives. Their inclusion has been linked to improved gut health, nutrient absorption, and disease resistance in shrimp. Probiotics also play a crucial role in maintaining a balanced microbial community within the shrimp pond environment, enhancing water quality and reducing pathogen prevalence. This article briefly summarizes the many ways that probiotics are used in shrimp farming and the advantages that come with them. Despite the promising results, challenges such as strain selection, dosage optimization, and environmental conditions are carefully addressed for successful probiotic integration in shrimp aquaculture. The potential of probiotics as a sustainable and ecologically friendly method of promoting shrimp development and health while advancing environmentally friendly shrimp farming techniques is highlighted in this analysis. Further research is required to fully exploit probiotics' benefits and develop practical guidelines for their effective implementation in shrimp aquaculture.

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