
Abstract Energy consumption in the field of transportation comes next to industrial consumption worldwide. If transportation is completely powered by renewable energy, the utilization of fossil fuels can be drastically reduced, which will result in a lesser amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Electric vehicles (EVs) can act as an alternative to make transportation pollution-free. Large-scale usage of EVs causes high electricity demand on the supply system. This problem can be overcome by utilizing renewable energy sources (RESs) for Electric Vehicle charging. Due to the unpredictability of RESs, coordinating EV charging with other loads and renewable generation is problematic. By using EVs as energy units, power fluctuations in the electric grid can be compensated. This paper presents a summary of recent research in the domain of integration of electric vehicles (EVs) to the smart grid. Electric vehicles-smart grid integrated systems face several issues related to communication, grid infrastructure and control in the future power system. Smart grid technologies are summarized in Section 2. The existing research articles in this area are classified into two based on the purpose: EVs integration into the electric grid and Vehicle to grid services. Finally, the research gaps and future scope of incorporating electric vehicles with renewable energy sources and the Smart grid are highlighted.

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