
The sense of touch and feel is an important asset to the human beings in all aspects across a variety of fields. For a long time, it has been almost impossible to mimic the sense of touch i.e. the natural feedback. Devices that had been developed have been based around piezo electric, Hall Effect sensors, and a combination of sensors and actuators to sense and replicate the feedback. To a certain extent, they have laid the foundation for the field of haptics. Haptics initially were limited to the vibrotactile responses, which were the ones commonly seen in the modern smartphone. Further research and development has led to it being closer than ever to mimic the sense of touch. Several devices were created by incorporating the field of haptics with existing design and devices. One such device is the Haptic glove. A haptic glove is a cutting-edge technology that allows human operators to physically feel the sensation of touch and force feedback when remotely controlling robots or other devices. These gloves are designed to mimic the sense of touch, allowing the operator to feel the shape, texture, and rigidity of the object they are manipulating through the robot. The use of haptic gloves in robotic teleoperation has been found to improve the precision and accuracy of remote tasks, as well as reducing the cognitive load on the operator. This technology can be adopted in field such as manufacturing, surgery, and space exploration. For example, in manufacturing, haptic gloves can be used to remotely operate machinery or perform inspections on hard-to-reach areas, while in surgery; haptic gloves can enable surgeons to perform remote surgeries with greater precision and control. In space exploration, haptic gloves can be used to remotely control robots for tasks such as sample collection and maintenance. Future developments in haptic technology could lead to even more advanced and realistic haptic feedback, further enhancing the capabilities of robotic teleoperation.

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