
The research is all about how often people could identify alphabets and numbers written in the open air. A leap motion captures motion trajectory information and plots it as a continuous stream of points. Lines would be combined and major slopes identified from the major points. Significant slopes are converted into directions by the use of geometry. Slope orientation is another name for this. Slope Alignment Sequence is a list of slope orientations that are used to individually depict Alphanumeric Letters. In this experiment, Dependency injection OpenCV is used to sketch on the camera with a virtual pen, i.e. any marker may be used to draw using the contour detection technique centered on the mask of the desired cultured reference marker. If you're a beginner who wants to enthuse your fellow members with a visual demonstration, the application user will be identified by the system until the produced slope direction sequence matches the system's comparison slope alignment sequence. In the algorithm's matching process, the sets and subsets process is used. The researchers suggested a new approach for classifying Alphabetic Chars written in the air in this article. The outcome of the experiment shows that the suggested approach is reliable.

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