
The 4,4'-diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS), also known as dapsone, is traditionally used as a potent anti-bacterial agent in clinical management of leprosy. For decades, dapsone has been among the first-line medications used in multidrug treatment of leprosy recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Shortly after dapsone's discovery as an antibiotic in 1937, the dual function of dapsone (anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory) was elucidated. Dapsone exerts its anti-bacterial effects by inhibiting dihydrofolic acid synthesis, leading to inhibition of bacterial growth, while its anti-inflammatory properties are triggered by inhibiting reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, reducing the effect of eosinophil peroxidase on mast cells and downregulating neutrophil-mediated inflammatory responses. Among the leading mechanisms associated with its anti-microbial/anti-protozoal effects, dapsone clearly has multiple antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-apoptotic functions. In this regard, it has been described in treating a wide variety of inflammatory and infectious skin conditions. Previous reports have explored different molecular targets for dapsone and provided insight into the anti-inflammatory mechanism of dapsone. This article reviews several basic, experimental, and clinical approaches on anti-inflammatory effect of dapsone.

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