
The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of blending Pebax1657 polymer with SiO2-GO nanoparticles in the production of TFN membranes for N2 gas dehydration. By utilizing dip coating, nanoparticles were incorporated at varying concentrations. The resulting nanocomposites were subjected to thorough analysis to investigate their chemical structure, physical morphology, surface topology, and thermal stability. This examination encompassed the application of FTIR, SEM, CA, AFM, and TGA techniques. The results demonstrated that the samples displayed good thermal stability and a highly hydrophilic surface. The investigation concluded that the dehydration properties of TFN membranes are influenced by a variety of factors, such as morphology, plasticization, and hydrophilic attributes. The effectiveness of the system is contingent upon the contribution made by each individual nanoparticle. The impact of SiO2 nanoparticles in their pure form is clearly evident in the 0.5 wt% loaded composite membrane membrane. When 0.5% of SiO2 nanoparticles are introduced into the composite membrane, the morphology closely resembles the ideal state due to the non-porous nature of SiO2 and the low concentration of nanoparticles, hence a selectivity of ~560 is experienced. Fortunately this selectivity is beyond the need of the industries. Consequently, there was a reduction in water vapor and nitrogen permeability, resulting in a heightened selectivity ratio. These discoveries hold considerable importance in industrial settings, as they offer a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

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