
Introduction: Mushika Visha is categorized under Jangama Visha, which is also known as Akhu Visha. Teeth bites, scratches caused by sharp nails, urine and semen all have toxic effects on the body and can cause symptoms. There are two types of symptoms, Curable and Incurable. There are many ways to treat Mushika Visha, with numerous combinations and single drugs. Materials and Method: A literary review to know the action of Mushikavishari Agada in Mushika Visha from contemporary texts. Observation: Considering twenty six drugs with its Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka, Karma and Doshagnata literature proves that individual drugs mentioned in this Mushikavishari Agada[4] formulation can be used in condition such as Pandu (Anaemia), Jwara (Fever), Daha (Burning sensation), Aruchi (Anorexia) and acts as Vishagna (Anti-poisonous). Result: By literary review it can be inferred that formulation Mushikavishari Agada consisting twenty-six drugs can counter the spread the toxin thus negating symptoms of Mushika Visha mentioned by Acharya Caraka. Conclusion: A literary review conclude that the formulation Mushikavishari Agada mentioned in Sushrutha Samhitha Kalpa Sthana can subside Mushika Visha and acts as Vishagna.

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