
The utilization of raw wool wax (grease) extracted from scouring effluent of fleece of sheep has been recognized two millennia ago. About seven centuries B.C., wool grease wax was extracted by Greek labors. Nowadays, tremendous amounts of wool wax are discharged each year into the scouring effluent of wool fleece. Restore of wool grease from textile effluent is of prime importance targeting environment protection. This article outlines the current and the possible ways of extraction of wool wax from coarse wool fleece; taking into consideration the economic and ecologic aspects. The methods of purification of the extracted wool grease into lanolin are also briefed. Recent techniques; namely microwave and ultrasonic-assisted extraction and purification of wool wax, were compared to the conventional heating method used for extraction of wool wax. Chemical and physical characteristics of the extracted lanolin, which play important role in its utilization, are outlined. The current and future utilization of wool wax in textile and non-textile application are reported.

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