
The surgical emergency known as compartment syndrome of the thighs carries a high risk of mortality as well as morbidity. The purpose of this review was to evaluate the degree of effect regarding compartment syndrome of the thighs. This evaluation included a thorough literature review in order to accomplish the study's objective. Also, relevant literatures were adopted and specific search terms including " thigh” and syndrome” utilized while data achieved from EBSCO and Google Scholar libraries. According to some writers, to be able to reduce the possibility of recurring ischemic alterations, all muscle compartments of the implicated limb must be released during the fasciotomy. To be able to prevent fibrosis and contracture, which impair transfers and lower extremity dressing abilities in patients with concurrent spinal cord injury, surgical decompression is necessary. There is currently a dearth of information on the causes, effectiveness of one versus two fasciotomies, types of wound closure, and complication rates of compartment syndrome of the thighs.

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