
Fast neutron activation analysis (FNAA) is an excellent non-destructive assay technique for selected nuclides such as Al, Cu, F, N, O, P, and Si and may be used to identify other trace elements such as Ag, Ba, Ca, Cd, Fe, Ga, Mg, Nd, Pd, Rb, Se, Sr, Th, U, Zn, and Zr when other, more sensitive methods are not available or whenever interference reactions render the preferred method useless. FNAA has considerable potential for increased usage in undergraduate and graduate educational experiments, industrial applications and a variety of research pursuits. However, multiple trace element identification is often difficult because there is a dearth of publications which organize and present FNAA data in a format suitable for this type of research effort. Whereas considerable amounts of general information and specific applications are described in the published literature, it is often difficult as well as tedious to consolidate the data and facts into a format suitable for general experiments or multi-element analysis. Furthermore, theoretical reactions may not be observed during experimental activation or unreported gamma radiations may impede element identification. To rectify the situation a literature survey was conducted and existing information on FNAA crosssections, reactions, half-lives and decay energies was assembled for every nuclide. Then all nuclides which exist in solid form were activated for representative times and resulting gamma-ray emissions plotted to show characteristic short and long half-life decay spectra.

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