
WILLIS K. G. and BENSON J. F. (1988) A comparison of user benefits and costs of nature conservation at three nature reserves, Reg. Studies 22, 417–228. Benefits from conserving wildlife at three Sites of Special Scientific Interest are estimated using a travel cost method, recording demand in terms of actual site visits. These benefits are compared to the costs of nature conservation, both the financial cost which is (or could be) incurred under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and also the social costs of the agricultural output forgone, after protective tariffs and subsidies of the Common Agricultural Policy have been removed. WILLIS K. G. et BENSON J. F. (1988) Une comparaison des avantages et des couts de la defense de l'environnement aux usagers, a trois reserves naturelles, Reg. Studies 22, 417–228. On estime les avantages de la protection de la faune a trois Sites d'Interět Scientifique Special a partir d'une methode qui calcule les frais de trajet, enregistrant la demande en fonction des visi...

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