
Two boat-based and one in-water sampling method have been used to collect submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) as part of a long-term monitoring program in Lake Okeechobee, Florida, USA. The boat-based methods consisted of collecting SAV with a ponar dredge, used only to collect Chara, and an oyster tongs-like rake apparatus, used to collect all SAV. The in-water method involved use of a 0.5 m2 PVC quadrat frame deployed by a diver. During summer 2002, SAV biomass samples were collected using all three methods at various sites in the lake to compare between-methods sampling precision. Sites used for these comparisons were selected based on plant type, plant density and sediment type. Statistical comparisons indicated that there were significant (p < or = 0.05) biomass differences in 8 of 15 possible pairwise comparisons between sampling method biomass means. In four of the eight comparisons, significantly higher biomass mean values were obtained using the quadrat frame. In three of the remaining four comparisons, significantly higher biomass mean values were obtained with the rake apparatus. For the fourth comparison, a significantly higher biomass mean value was obtained with the ponar dredge. Three of the four relationships between SAV biomass collected by the rake and the quadrat and the rake and the quadrat/ponar dredge were statistically significant, linear and explained between 67 and 78% of the biomass variability. There were no significant differences between regression coefficients or elevations for these relationships, therefore these regressions estimated the same population regression. The population regression coefficient was 0.95, suggesting that the quadrat and ponar over-sampled relative to the rake, but the amount of this over-sampling was very small. Since there was no consistent pattern in the sampling method which yielded the significantly different biomass values and there were no significant differences in sampling precision across a range of plant species, plant densities and two sediment types, the boat-based rake method appears to be a suitable replacement for the previously used ponar dredge and quadrat methods, when in-lake measurements are not practical.

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