
Psychophysical procedures were used to determine increment-threshold spectral sensitivity functions for monkeys with either stimulus deprivation amblyopia produced by monocular lid suture or anisometropic amblyopia produced by optical defocus. The spectral sensitivity functions obtained from all of the non-treated control eyes had 3 sensitivity maxima at approximately 445, 520 and 610 nm, and were typical of functions for humans and monkeys with normal trichromatic vision. Relative to their paired control eyes, the amblyopic eyes of all of the lid-sutured monkeys demonstrated reductions in absolute sensitivity. In addition, the amblyopic eyes of the monkeys form-deprived at 1 month of age exhibited alterations in the shapes of their spectral sensitivity functions. The pattern of spectral sensitivity deficits observed in the monkeys form-deprived at 1 month of age varied with the duration of deprivation and indicated that the spectral characteristics of the neural mechanisms mediating stimulus detection in these lid-sutured monkeys' amblyopic and control eyes were substantially different. In contrast, none of the anisometropic amblyopes demonstrated any alterations in the shapes of their spectral sensitivity functions and only one anisometropic subject exhibited a reduction in sensitivity. A comparison of the spectral sensitivity deficits observed in our lid-sutured and anisometropic monkeys reveals that when lid suture and optical defocus are initiated early in life for equivalent periods of time, lid suture produces abnormalities which are both qualitatively and quantitively different from the abnormalities produced by optical defocus. Therefore, in addition to factors such as the age of onset and the duration of deprivation, it is concluded that the degree of image degradation is important in determining which visual functions are affected and to what extent they are affected.

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