
Olopatadine is a human conjunctival mast cell stabilizer with antihistaminic activity. Ketotifen is an older molecule that possesses antihistaminic activity and is reported to have additional pharmacological properties. The interactions of these two compounds with model membranes (i.e., monolayers of 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycerophosphocholine at the argon-buffer interface), and natural (i.e., erythrocyte) membranes were compared in an effort to understand the differences in their biological activities. Drug-lipid interaction with monolayers was determined by monitoring the surface pressure as a function of the drug concentration in the aqueous phase supporting the monolayer. Drug interaction with erythrocyte membranes was determined by monitoring changes in the permeability of the membranes to hemoglobin and 6-carboxyfluorescein as a function of drug concentration in the medium. Olopatadine and ketotifen are both intrinsically surface active and both interact with phospholipid monolayers. However, in both the presence and absence of lipid monolayers, the changes in surface pressure induced by olopatadine are lower than those caused by ketotifen. The effects of these two drugs on cell membranes were dramatically different. Exposure of bovine erythrocytes to increasing concentrations of ketotifen (1-10 mM) resulted in complete hemolysis of the cells, whereas olopatadine (1-10 mM) caused only minimal hemolysis (< 8%). Consistent results were obtained in experiments measuring the leakage of 6-carboxyfluorescein from erythrocyte ghosts as a more sensitive marker of membrane perturbation. Olopatadine treatment (0.1-10 mM) minimally perturbed the cell membrane while ketotifen (1-10 mM) caused a concentration dependent release of the fluorescent marker. These data demonstrate fundamental differences between the two drugs in their effects on cell membranes. Moreover, the differences are consistent with the surface activities of the two compounds measured in monolayers and with reported differences in their pharmacological activities. These findings offer an explanation for the biphasic non-specific cytotoxic effect of ketotifen on histamine release from mast cells and may account for the nonlytic mast cell stabilizing activity of olopatadine.

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