
The morphology and development of Vairimorpha plodiae and Vairimorpha necatrix are described from experimentally infected Plodia interpunctella larvae. Both have similar stages and display temperature-dependent dimorphism. Meronts, which are spherical with two or four nuclei in diplokaryotic arrangement, precede both types of sporogony. At 25°C disporoblastic sporogony, resulting in free, binucleate spores (4.65 × 2.11 μm, Giemsa stained) predominates. At 20°C, an additional octosporoblastic sporogony, resulting in pansporoblasts containing eight uninucleate spores (2.84 × 1.67 μm, Giemsa stained) occurs. Both parasites occur mainly in the fat body and occasionally in the salivary glands and Malpighian tubules.

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