
Ninety-two male and 131 female undergraduate psychology students were administered the Adjective Check List (ACL), Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI), and Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ). The masculinity (M) and femininity (F) subscale scores for each of these three measures were correlated and subjected to a principal factor analysis with varimax rotation separately for males and females. Results indicated that: (1) the ACL-F shared only a modest amount of variance with the BSRI and PAQ-F subscales, and was not responded to in the same manner by males and females; (2) the ACL-M subscale tended to be more strongly negatively related to F subscales than did the BSRI and PAQ-M subscales; (3) the BSRI and PAQ-M and F subscales shared a substantial proportion of variance between themselves, for both males and females; and (4) a masculine factor and a feminine factor, accounting for approximately the same amount of the entire common variance, emerged for both males and females.

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