
Background This investigation focuses on student attitudes and looks at school quality from the perspective of affective variables rather than students' knowledge or abilities. The concept of attitude includes ways of feeling, thinking and behaving and maintaining an expression of one's identity within the environment. The analysis focuses on student attitudes 35 years apart between the late 1960s and 2003. During this period, major changes in the Swedish national curricula occurred, although the goal orientation has remained that of equity and democracy. Purpose The purpose of the paper was to investigate whether major changes in Swedish student attitudes towards school, teachers and classmates had occurred between the late 1960s and 2003, and to discuss possible changes in relation to educational policies. In addition, a recently described CFA model was examined in relation to the investigation in order to see if development of the method using factor scores could be applied in further analysis of the possible differences between the two time periods. Sample In 1967/68, 1488 pupils from 60 classes in the Gothenburg area in the compulsory 6th grade responded to a questionnaire. In 2003, 1540 pupils from 78 grade 6 classes in Gothenburg City responded to the same questionnaire. Design and methods The questionnaire consisted of 40 items with five alternatives and was originally constructed in 1960. Confirmatory factor analysis was used with previously described latent variables at two levels, within and between classes. Factor scores were computed for the factors at both levels. At the within level, seven factors were found and four of these were relational factors; at the between level, three factors were identified. Results In general, the attitudes on item level were more positive today. The differences between classes had increased. Factor scores at the individual level showed no significant changes in the factors ‘interest in school’, ‘view of teacher’ and ‘working atmosphere in the classroom’. Significant positive changes had occurred in all four peer relational factors: ‘relation with classmates’, ‘view of peers’, ‘lack of anxiety’ and ‘view of fuss’ (disturbances). At the class level the means of the three factors: ‘teacher and teaching’, ‘working atmosphere’ and ‘social relations with classmates’, had all increased. The investigation 35 years ago showed a rather negative Swedish student attitude also on an international perspective. By comparison, the present investigation shows a general improvement in attitudes on class level. Within classes the pattern is differentiated. Significant changes in the within-class level were seen in peer relational factors. Conclusions The student attitudes towards school, teachers and classmates are found to be more positive now than 35 years ago. Most striking are the changes in peer relational aspects. The earlier compulsory school with its focus on theoretical knowledge did not achieve all the goals of the curriculum. The present curriculum with its focus on interactional aspects of learning may have implemented changes in relational patterns and created a more positive student attitude at class level, but the variation among classes is wide. An even more differentiated picture is seen within classes. Current national and international investigations are unable to relate a positive school attitude to greater achievement.

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