
The study was carried out to find the profitability and resource use efficiency of two fish production system i.e. wastewater and freshwater in West Bengal, India. The study revealed that though the productivity of freshwater fish production system was higher by 74.5 kg/acre over the other system but the freshwater fish production farmers realized lower net returns of ` 1933.53/acre as compared to the wastewater fish production farmers. This was due to mainly two facts, firstly, higher rent of leased-in freshwater fish ponds and secondly, the locational advantage of wastewater fish ponds (proximity to the megacity Kolkata) which fetched higher price of the produce. The results of the study indicated that under both the system of fish production, fish seeds, area, and labour has greater influence on gross returns. Further, it was found that, fish seeds and labour were under-utilized in freshwater fish production system whereas fish seeds, labour and area were under used in wastewater fish production system. Theft and pilferages, non availability of quality fish seeds, lack of government support, lack of capital, lack of natural feed, labour crisis etc. were some of the major identified problems and constraints encountered during production of fish.

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