
We derive the mass term of the Bardeen metric in the presence of a noncommutative geometry induced minimal length. In this setup, the proposal of a stable black hole remnant as a candidate to store information is confirmed. We consider the possibility of having an extremal configuration with one degenerate event horizon and compare different sizes of black hole remnants. As a result, once the magnetic charge $g$ of the noncommutative Bardeen solution becomes larger, both the minimal nonzero mass $M_0$ and the minimal nonzero horizon radius $r_0$ get larger. This means, subsequently, under the condition of an adequate amount of $g$, the three parameters $g$, $M_0$, and $r_0$ are in a connection with each other linearly. According to our results, a noncommutative Bardeen black hole is colder than the noncommutative Schwarzschild black hole and its remnant is bigger, so the minimum required energy for the formation of such a black hole at particle colliders will be larger. We also find a closely similar result for the Hayward solution.

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