
Reconciling temperature data obtained from measurement of single BHT, multiple BHT at a single depth, RFTs, and DSTs, is very difficult. Quality of data varied widely, however DST data were assumed to be most reliable. Data from 87 wells was used in this study, but only 47 wells have DST data. BASINMOD program was used to calculate the present-day heat flow, using measured thermal conductivity and calibrated against the DST data. The heat flows obtained from the DST data were assumed to be correct and representative throughout the basin. Then, heat flows using (1) uncorrected RFT data, (2) multiple BHT data corrected by the Horner plot method, and (3) single BHT values corrected upward by a standard 10% were calculated. All of these three heat-flow populations had identically standard deviations to that for the DST data, but with significantly lower mean values. Correction factors were calculated to give each of the three erroneous populations the same mean value as the DST population. Heat flows calculated from RFT data had to be corrected upward by a factor of 1.12 to be equivalent to DST data; Horner plot data corrected by a factor of 1.18, and single BHT data by a factormore » of 1.2. These results suggest that present-day subsurface temperatures using RFT, Horner plot, and BHT data are considerably lower than they should be. The authors suspect qualitatively similar results would be found in other areas. Hence, they recommend significant corrections be routinely made until local calibration factors are established.« less

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