
The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the levels of ionising radiation dose received by patients whilst undergoing radiological examination for Subarachnoid haemorrhage by conventional angiography (single and bi plane) and computed tomography angiography. The results obtained from previous examinations have been compared to consider which method of investigation delivers the lowest ionising radiation dose to the patient. Consideration was also given to comparing single plane angiography to bi plane angiography as empirical evidence suggested that radiologists received no formal training and only a small amount of informal training on newly installed equipment at the hospital in which the research was carried out. Would this lead to patients being inadvertently exposed to increased radiation as radiologists familiarised themselves with the equipment? The dose received by 30 patients examined for SAH by each modality was converted to effective dose (mSv) for comparison. These results were then further compared by removing the lowest and highest recorded doses to eliminate any bias that may have been caused by skewed data. The results showed that CTA consistently delivered a lower dose to patients than single or bi plane angiography and that bi plane delivered a lower mean average dose than single plane angiography, with or without any skewed data.

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