
The research was designed to conduct a comparison between organizational commitment,and job burnoutamong faculty/teachers in privateinstitution and publicinstitution with a moderating effect of job satisfaction. A total of 107 responses were gathered through primary sources for the analysis of the study. Analysis was done using Multiple Regression. I. Introduction In todays world, organizations are eager to make the best use of productivity and efficiency by minimizing stress and exhaustion among their employees. Due to increased level of stress, burnout and exhaustion it is difficult for employees to maintain their high performance which eventually leads them towards condensed job satisfaction, and lesser organizational The situation is complex as it is more common that most of the times employees blame their organizations and jobs to be the reason behind their stress and burnout. Whereas, on the other hand, organizations blame employee to be responsible for their own stress and burnout. Most of the professions arewilling to work on and are more associated to burnout than others.Existing investigative studies commences their exams to identify burnout among teachers in public sector institutes and private sector institutes. These institutes believes it to be an essential part for the success of their educational system but due to dissatisfaction and burnout, the teachers of public and private sector institutes are not able to enhance their performance. It is globally believed and being practiced that organizational commitment is an essential factor for retention and attraction of well qualified employees, whereas only those employees who are satisfied from their job will be committed and will be willing to stay with their organization to make considerable struggle to achieve their objectives and goals. In the previous years, organizational commitment has been believed to be a subject that is studied comprehensively in expressions of its mechanisms, backgrounds, associates, and significances. From various sources, it has been concluded that organizational commitment is an emotional affection to an organization. The reason to measure organizational commitment is to identify what employees think and feel about their workplace and how the organization can make itself as a more comfortable place for work so employees would become more attracted towards the organization. There are many reason that leads an employee to be committed to the organization, such as liberation, protection, gratification and distribution of authority. Meyer and Allen (1997) identified that organizational commitment comprises of three modelsthat areaffective, continuance, and commitment. First model is affective commitment; thatshows the level to which an employee identifies with his/her organization. If an employee is affectively committed, he / she will intensely accept the goals and challenges of his/her organization and will be motivated to stay as a portion of that organization. Whereas, normative commitment states that an employee may believe that he/she should remain committed with his organization and is influenced by the norms of his/her society. In continuance commitment, it states that employee will continue his work for the organization due to his / her individuals need and he will work for any organization based on anapparent costs linked. All these models have their own suggestions about the question that why employee stay with their organization, and as a summary I has been concluded that the employee may stay due to any of one reason i.e. because they want to stay; because they are influenced by the norms of their society; and because they need to for a cost. According to Popoola (2006), personal factors (such as; age, marital status, gender, faith, professional experience, professional and academic education) has an effect on organizational commitment in Nigerian-state educational institutes. In a study, Opayemi (2004) and Angle and Perry (1981) have highlights in their studies about a momentous relation that exists between sex and organizational commitment of employees who work in public sector; which concluded that women are more dedicated than man towards their work. Previous empirical evidences have suggested that the levels of dedication may rise (Sturges et al., 2005) or fall (Bambacas and Bordia, 2009) with the startof an appropriate career management. Moreover, Mathieu and Zajac (1990) have suggested that differences in these models of commitment may arise from differences between employees i.e. organizational commitment only depends on employees and how they value

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