
High Voltage Pulse (HVP) enabled ore pre-concentration can potentially provide large energy savings and the ability to upgrade low-grade ores for the mining industry. Two types of pulse generator systems commonly used in HVP breakage are Marx generators and pulse transformers. This initial assessment compares the pre-concentration performance of a SelFrag Lab Unit (utilising a Marx generator) and a custom-built HVP machine (employing a pulse transformer) from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). Eight sets of experimental results using the two generator systems were collected. Two approaches were taken to analyse the data; a trendline approach using all eight sets of data, and a single-point comparison approach with matched specific energy inputs. The results show that there are significant differences in pre-concentration efficiencies with the HUST machine performing better. To elucidate the potential causes, the degree of size reduction (t10), breakage probability, and selective breakage were investigated for the two generator systems. It is likely that the efficiency of selective breakage is one of the major causes, with the HUST machine presenting better results at selectively breaking high-grade particles and consuming less energy. Additionally, the two generator systems have different energy per discharge levels; the effect of this difference should be investigated in future work.

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