
The Memory Validity Profile (MVP) and Medical Symptom Validity Test (MSVT) are performance validity tests (PVTs) used to identify potential noncredible test performance during psychological evaluations. This study sought to examine the agreement between MVP and MSVT pass rates, as well as to determine if there are differences in MVP pass rates when using the cutoff score in the MVP professional manual compared with the experimental cutoff score of <31. Via retrospective review of records, 106 clients at a private neuropsychological clinic who had been given the MVP and the MSVT were identified. Results indicated that only one client met the manual cutoff scores, compared to 20 clients who failed the MSVT, raising concerns regarding the sensitivity of the MVP. Utilizing the receiver operator characteristic (ROC), curve analyses indicated fair discriminability of the MVP for the 106 participants (AUC = .717) with acceptable sensitivity (.50) and specificity (.92) for an MVP total score cutoff of <31. These findings support the utility of the experimental cut score in improving the sensitivity while maintaining adequate specificity in a clinically mixed population.

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