
Abstract. Moderate resolution satellite sensors including MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) already provide more than 10 yr of observations well suited to describe and understand the dynamics of earth's surface. However, these time series are associated with significant uncertainties and incomplete because of cloud cover. This study compares eight methods designed to improve the continuity by filling gaps and consistency by smoothing the time course. It includes methods exploiting the time series as a whole (iterative caterpillar singular spectrum analysis (ICSSA), empirical mode decomposition (EMD), low pass filtering (LPF) and Whittaker smoother (Whit)) as well as methods working on limited temporal windows of a few weeks to few months (adaptive Savitzky–Golay filter (SGF), temporal smoothing and gap filling (TSGF), and asymmetric Gaussian function (AGF)), in addition to the simple climatological LAI yearly profile (Clim). Methods were applied to the MODIS leaf area index product for the period 2000–2008 and over 25 sites showed a large range of seasonal patterns. Performances were discussed with emphasis on the balance achieved by each method between accuracy and roughness depending on the fraction of missing observations and the length of the gaps. Results demonstrate that the EMD, LPF and AGF methods were failing because of a significant fraction of gaps (more than 20%), while ICSSA, Whit and SGF were always providing estimates for dates with missing data. TSGF (Clim) was able to fill more than 50% of the gaps for sites with more than 60% (80%) fraction of gaps. However, investigation of the accuracy of the reconstructed values shows that it degrades rapidly for sites with more than 20% missing data, particularly for ICSSA, Whit and SGF. In these conditions, TSGF provides the best performances that are significantly better than the simple Clim for gaps shorter than about 100 days. The roughness of the reconstructed temporal profiles shows large differences between the various methods, with a decrease of the roughness with the fraction of missing data, except for ICSSA. TSGF provides the smoothest temporal profiles for sites with a % gap > 30%. Conversely, ICSSA, LPF, Whit, AGF and Clim provide smoother profiles than TSGF for sites with a % gap < 30%. Impact of the accuracy and smoothness of the reconstructed time series were evaluated on the timing of phenological stages. The dates of start, maximum and end of the season are estimated with an accuracy of about 10 days for the sites with a % gap < 10% and increases rapidly with the % gap. TSGF provides more accurate estimates of phenological timing up to a % gap < 60%.


  • Solid EarthLeaf area index (LAI) is recognized as an essential climate variable (GCOS, 2006) since it plays a key role in vegetation functioning and exchanges of mass and energy between the atmosphere, the plant and the soil

  • This study compares 8 methods designed to improve the continuity and consistency of time series by filling gaps created by missing observations and smoothing the temporal profiles to reduce local uncertainties

  • The performances of the different methods for processing time series depend on their implementation

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Solid EarthLeaf area index (LAI) is recognized as an essential climate variable (GCOS, 2006) since it plays a key role in vegetation functioning and exchanges of mass and energy between the atmosphere, the plant and the soil. LAI was used in numerous investigations including climate change (Pettorelli et al, 2005; Kobayashi et al, 2007), global carbon fluxes (Wylie et al, 2007; Schubert et al, 2010) land cover (Jakubauskas et al, 2002; Boles et al, 2004; Thenkabail et al, 2005; Heiskanen and Kivinen, 2008) and land-cover change (Hansen et al, 2002, 2008; Coops et al, 2009; Pouliot et al, 2009) or crop production forecasting (Kastens et al, 2005; Dente et al, 2008; Becker-Reshef et al, 2010) For all these applications, the availability of long and continuous LAI time series is essential as outlined in (GCOS, 2010)

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