
Kirsten murine sarcoma virus (Ki-MSV) transformed Balb/eT3 mouse cells (K-Balb) were found to have altered membrane glycoconjugates compared to normal Balb/3T3 cells. There were reduced amounts of mono- and disialogangliosides, GM1 and GD1a, and activity of the specific galactosyltransferase required for synthesis of these gangliosides was reduced to between 0 and 18.5% of normal in the several K-Balb clones examined. When fucose-labeled glycopeptides derived from the surfaces of Balb/3T3 and K-Balb cells were compared by gel filtration chromatography, the glycopeptides from the transformed cells were enriched in earlier eluting components. These differences were also observed when the glycopeptides were derived from the entire cell and were diminished when the surface or cellular glycopeptides from Balb/3T3 and K-Balb were digested with neuraminidase prior to chromatographic analysis. Changes in these membrane sialoglycolipids and sialoglycopeptides were not influenced by Rauscher leukemia virus infection. In marked contrast, these changes in membrane glycoconjugates were not observed in Wooley monkey sarcoma virus (WSV) transformed Balb/3T3 cells (W-Balb). Although W-Balb cells like K-Balb were transformed by tissue culture criteria, their ganglioside composition, galactosyltransferase activity, and glycopeptide patterns were similar to normal Balb/3T3. These findings have potential implications concerning the role of these complex carbohydrates in the phenotypic alterations of transformed cells.

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