
Rumen inoculum-pepsin and cellulase methods were compared for their ability to predict nutritive value in vivo of 18 grass and grass-legume hays. Single and two-stage cellulase methods used Nova Celluclast (Nova), Onozuka R10 and Onozuka 10S cellulases. Neutral detergent or acid pepsin was used as the first stage in the two-stage cellulase procedure. Dry matter digestibility and intake of the hays were measured in feeding trials with sheep. Dry matter disappearance (IVDMD), determined by the rumen inoculum-pepsin method, accounted for 75% of variation in predicted digestibility. The single-stage cellulase method was unsuitable for predicting values in vivo. Hay digestibility in vivo could be predicted by simple regression from IVDMD estimated by rumen inoculum-pepsin or pepsin-Onozuka R10 or 10S cellulase methods, and by multiple regression from the lignin content of hay and IVDMD by the pepsin-Nova cellulase technique. Hay intake prediction was based on a multiple regression equation consisting of lignin content of hay and IVDMD from pepsin-Onozuka R10 or 10S cellulase methods.

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