
Summary Zank, C.M. & Kemp, A.C. 1996. A comparison of hunting behaviour by Lesser Kestrels Falco naumanni and Eastern Redfooted Falcons Falco amurensis in their non-breeding South African range. Ostrich 67: 63–66. The non-breeding hunting behaviour of members of mixed flocks of Lesser Kestrels Falco naumanni and Eastern Redfooted Falcons Falco amurensis was studied during January 1991 in the Transvaal Province of South Africa. Both species employed perch-hunting and hover-hunting to catch their insectivorous prey. Only 46.8% of Lesser Kestrel and 49.8% of Eastern Redfooted Falcon strikes were successful, with perch-hunting more successful than hover-hunting in both species (59% vs 39% and 59% vs 41% respectively). Hover-hunting resulted in a significantly higher strike rate (47 strikes.hr−1 vs 14 strikes.hr−1; 34 strikes.hr−1 vs 15.5 strikes.hr−1) and kill rate (18 kill.hr1 vs 9 kills.hr1; 14 kills.hr1 vs 9 kills.hr1) than perch-hunting for both species. Eastern Redfooted Falcons hovered for significantly...

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