
Understanding the meteoroids environment and their properties are important for several fields such as solar system evolution and space science. The investigation of their emissions helps to a better understanding of the physics of meteors and their interactions with the atmosphere. We have compared the ELF/VLF signals generated by Perseids-2016, Leonids-2018 and Geminids-2018 meteors. The results show that a typical meteor generated by small meteoroids, can produce ELF/VLF signals just like brighter fireballs but with lower amplitude and time duration. Also, the results show that the ELF/VLF waves which are generated by Leonids meteors are signals with the most during the effective time and maximum signals per minutes. The results also show that the PER’s and GEM’s signals are a combination of several separated smaller signals. The typical meteor signals have the frequency ranges below 2 kHz but GEM’s meteors generated signals in 3 minutes which have the frequency range up to 4.5 kHz.

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