
To review tumors identified as "clear cell sarcoma" in order to determine similarities to the rare EWS fusion positive jaw and salivary gland tumors clear cell odontogenic carcinoma (CCOC) and clear cell carcinoma of the salivary gland (CCC). PubMed was used to collect all reports of clear cell sarcoma (CCS). Search parameters were "clear cell sarcoma" and "CCS." References in the publications were screened and cross-referenced. Data extracted included demographic characteristics, presenting signs and symptoms, radiographic findings, histological and immunohistochemical features and known molecular/genetic aberrations. Clear cell sarcoma has several similarities to CCOC and CCC. All three tumor types have similar histologic appearances including the presence of clear cells, as well as similar genetic profiles in that all harbor an EWSR1-CREB family fusions. Additionally, these tumors appear in soft tissue as well as bone, and can have a prolonged clinical course. CCS can appear anywhere in the body, including the head and neck region. All three tumors appear to have a predilection to women, although CCS may have a slight younger age of onset as compared to CCOC and CCC (3rd vs 5th decade of life, respectively). Gaining a better understanding of the similarities and differences between these three tumors may lead to a better understanding of each one.

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