
The expression of gene(s) governing apomictic reproduction inTripsacum provides the best foundation for comparing the effectiveness of apomictic reproduction in a series of maize-Tripsacum hybrids. Several 38-chromosome, apomictic maize-Tripsacum hybrids are available which possess the gene(s) conferring apomictic reproduction fromTripsacum. Without a base line for comparison, studies directed towards discerning the successful transfer or effectiveness of gene expression in a maize background are hampered. The objectives of this study are to compare the reproductive features found in apomicticTripsacum with those in apomictic maize-Tripsacum hybrids. In addition, this study determined the feasibility of utilizing these maize-Tripsacum hybrid materials to continue an attempt to transfer the genes into a pure maize background. The frequency and occurrence of five unique reproductive features found in apomictic accessions ofTripsacum dactyloides were compared to the reproductive behaviours exhibited in the maize-Tripsacum hybrids. Results indicate the genes controlling apomixis in tetraploidTripsacum are fully functional in maize-Tripsacum hybrids with diploid and triploid maize constitutions. The ability of theTripsacum apomictic genes to retain full expression provides evidence to continue their transfer to a diploid or tetraploid maize background.

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