
In the era of big data, data has never been more important because it contains hidden insights. Additionally, it is necessary and challenging to extract usable information from enormous volumes of data. When attempting to perform data processing and analytics in a variety of domains, developers of data-intensive systems have consequently met several challenges. In addition, full-text search is one of the most significant components of big data processing and analytics for discovering fragments of required data among large volumes of data. Due to the importance of the subject, this article begins with an examination of the characteristics, capabilities, and technical comparisons of full-text search technologies, followed by a systematic comparison of Apache Solr and Elasticsearch in terms of indexing times and queries on three separate datasets. According to our findings, based on default configuration, Apache Solr has better performance when looking at indexing times measured on three machines with different hardware specifications. Likewise, Apache Solr outperforms Elasticsearch in seven out of ten search queries. Regarding our results, on computers with restricted hardware resources, we recommend utilizing Apache Solr instead of Elasticsearch. In addition, this study provides researchers and developers of data-intensive systems with a complete comparison and suggestions for choosing the most effective full-text search engine for their task.

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